Operating in Mankato, Minnesota, Yaeger Bus is in the business of getting your kids to and from school safely and enjoyably.
Reliable and professional
transportation provider
Our service is bolstered by our driver training program, excellent DOT inspection record, and professional office and shop staff. We have been transporting students safely and effectively for over 50 years.
We make the hiring process easy!
Great job for retirees, college students, and homemakers.
We offer paid training, flexible schedules, and opportunities to drive your kids to athletic events and get paid.
About Yaeger Bus & Our Services
Yaeger Bus Service, Inc., currently owned by Chad and Cara Yaeger, is a third generation family owned transportation company. Yaeger Bus Service, Inc. (YBSI) was founded in September 1954 and had been providing transportation to students in the Mankato School District ever since.
We provide transportation to and from school, field trips, and school athletic events.
Safety Is Our Highest Priority
The safety of every student is our highest priority. We maintain a perfect MN DOT inspection record. Each bus is inspected annually, in addition to random spot inspections.